Research Findings
Our team explored the database from SlaveVoyages and came up with many insightful findings. Select one of topics below to explore:
1808-1815 Newspaper - Topic Distribution by Island (Normalized Count)
1808-1815 Newspaper - Topic Distribution by Island (Absolute Count)
1808-1815 Newspaper - Runaways Gender Distribution By Island
1808-1815 Newspaper - Runaways Age Distribution
1808-1815 Newspaper - Runaways Reward Analysis
1808-1815 Newspaper - # of Times Occupations Found Used to Describe Slaves
1808-1815 Newspaper - # of Times Adjectives Found Used to Describe Slaves
USVI to Intra-American - Embarked and Deaths by Arrival Year and Captives Purchased Location
Trans-Atlantic to USVI - # of Captives Purchased by Location
Trans-Atlantic to USVI - Disembarked and Deaths by Arrival Year
Trans-Atlantic to USVI - # of Voyage Arrivals by Year
Trans-Atlantic to USVI - % of Men/Women/Boys/Girls Captives by Year
Intra-American to USVI - Embarked and Deaths by Arrival Year and Captives Purchased Location
Trans-Atlantic to USVI - # of Captives Purchased by Location